
Over the coming months, a unique, iterative development process will connect the innovative ideas and people to prepare complete pan-Canadian network proposals.  The Selection Panel will ultimately be tasked with selecting one network that will receive funding.  The selected network will catalyze fundamental change in youth mental health care in Canada.


Phase Major steps Key points Deadline
Phase I Expressions of Interest due Welcomes two kinds of proposals:
1) a nascent pan-Canadian research-to-practice network
2) a team which could become part of a full pan-Canadian research-to-practice network
Selection Panel provides Expression of Interest decisions and advice Panel will provide early feedback to applicants regarding potential mergers, expansions and other changes 03-Jun-2013
Strengthening Workshop Mandatory for all Expressions of Interest groups selected to participate in the network development process 26-Jun-2013 to 28-Jun-2013
Phase II Letters of Intent due Letters of Intent from Workshop participants for a pan-Canadian network 02-Oct-2013
Selection Panel provides Letter of Intent decisions & advice for development Panel provides feedback to successful Letter of Intent applications to support the next phase of development 08-Nov-2013
Phase III Full Proposals due (from short-list of Letter of Intent applicants) Applicants invited to submit a Full Proposal will receive a development grant of up to $25k 13-Mar-2014
Final decision One network will be chosen for support 22-May-2014

Phase I: Expressions of Interest and Strengthening Workshop

The Expressions of Interest (EOI) process helped to identify key groups, resources and ideas which may be important components of a pan-Canadian network.  To ensure all ideas and teams were given a fair chance to participate, TRAM accepted submissions from nascent pan-Canadian networks and teams that could become part of a pan-Canadian network.

Based on the EOI submission results, several teams were invited to attend the Strengthening Workshop.  The workshop provided the opportunity for teams to be both competitive and collaborative as they discussed new ideas and re-though old ones.  As the teams interacted, new nascent networks developed.


Phase II: Letters of Intent

Letters of Intent (LOIs) were accepted from proposed networks which emerged through the Phase I process and had achieved pan-Canadian scope.

LOIs provided the opportunity for teams to describe and assess their proposals to ensure that they met all of TRAM's goals before investing the time needed to fully build their proposed network; only those with a reasonable chance of building a competitive full application proposal will move forward.


Phase III: Full Proposals

Those groups which are invited to submit a Full Proposal will each be provided with a development grant of up to $25,000 to build their network, partnerships and full proposal.

Details of the application procedure will follow at a later date.

A CIHR-GBF Joint Partnership

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